Friday, April 22, 2011

Introduction to hacking

How to Hack Email


Everyday I get a lot of emails wherein my readers ask me How to Hack an Email? You as the reader are most likely reading this because you want to hack into someone’s email. So in this post I have decided to uncover the real and working ways to hack any email.

Is it possible to hack emails?
Yes! As a matter of fact, almost anything can be hacked. But before you learn the real ways of hacking email, the following are the things you should be aware of.
1. There is no ready made software that can hack emails just with a click of a button. So if you come across a site selling “Email Hacking software” please don’t trust it.
2. Never trust any email hacking service that claims to hack any email just for $100 or $200. All of the email hacking services are scam.
3. With my experience of over 8 years in the field of Hacking and Security, I can tell you that their are several ways to hack an account.

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